my relationship with piccolo neatly parallels the story of Duncan and Dolores. This is the story of a little girl who gets a cat and loves the cat, and just wants the cat to play with her. but the cat, being a cat, does not want to play, and runs and hides or sits with the calm sister faye.
in fact replace a few key words (Dolores with Amy, Duncan with Piccolo, and Faye with Nick) and you are left with a book that could be our story.
in fact sometimes nick calls me Dolores.
just because piccolo cries when i snuggle her. just because she claws and scrambles to get free when i flip her on her back and squibble her tummy. just because she sometimes darts out of a room upon my entry, just because I like to pull her tail and poke at her feet.
in the story the little girl eventually gives up on the cat and then the cat comes to play. In real life I go to work, leaving piccolo alone, and upon my return the kitten wants to play. and here for a few minutes when we have the house to ourselves our lives diverge from the story. i just want to be left alone....and piccolo just wants love, poking with one little paw at my leg communicating "escuse me, ESCUSE ME! i am kitten. pet please. you cannot resist my kitten love eyes"