Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I cant find that one on the map.

watching the news this morning (something I dont normally have time to do) the traffic report came on, reminding me of my daily confusion as I drive to school listening to NPR and the flurry of highway names. and by names I mean nicknames. nicknames that aren't printed on many maps, dont appear on many road signs, and I believe exist purely to confuse outsiders.

hearing a traffic report when I was in the vicinity of my computer I thought now would be the perect time to get to the bottom of this. much to my dismay a quick google search for "chicago highway names" does not bring up what would actually be helpful. apparently it it too dificult to create an image that labels these roads. instead I get a verbal discription of where these roads start and stop, making reference to landmarks or roads nicknamed roads, which again need a key to decode. well, that and a lot of message boards where people like me have posted their confusion.

perhaps the lack of pictures is a cover-up for the real truth. that no one knows exactly where one nicknamed road ends and another begins.

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