Saturday, December 3, 2011

december 3: the penguin cake

when I want ridiculous baking accouterments, my mom and I have a system, she gives them to me as a gift...Nick can't complain when its a gift after all.  (and of course our cover is now blow...since nick will be reading this)

a few birthday's back, I received a pull apart penguin cake pan.  12 "cupcakes" that piece together to be a penguin.  I had big plans that year to rearrange the penguin parts to be a bunny for my birthday and later a turtle for nicks. on my b-day the cake got stuck in the pan, we had pen-gunny carcass for my bday, i didnt even try with nicks.

since they i have successfully made two penguins.  the first made me infamous with my teacher friend, the second was this year.  12 pieces 12 advisees.  PERFECT. i made the penguin, filling to the top like it suggested. it turned into the stay puff cake penguin man.  but then eventually because super cute. complete with magical rainbow snowflakes.

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