so my students have uniforms...its a catholic private school would one expect anything less? but yet they dont have uniforms. they have different skirts, sweaters, and polos for each grade level. is not the point of a uniform to be well uniform?
faculty meeting today...45 min about the new uniform proposal that this time, gasp! would actually make the girls all be uniform. the new skirt, brown herringbone, the new top, navy polo, the new sweater, wine pullover. this is all good...except that this is the same colors as another school....and isnt the point of a uniform to set you apart and make you identifyable?
suggestion by another teacher...why not red sweaters since our colors are red. red sweaters, black polos and black herringbone skirt? much enthusiam met with this one. the response high school girls dont want to wear red sweaters.
pretty sure I was a high school girl only 6 years ago...and I didnt mind my red sweater.
rumblings through the crowd...staff poll staff poll what would we prefer...nudge the vetran teacher to suggest this...I dont want to be job hunting again next spring.
oh and the boots! we should make our girls wear real shoes! right now they can choose from shoes, tennis shoes or boots. those horrible ugg boots they are so sloppy looking.
look down at my feet...what have I been wearing all week...well no more snuggle feet for me, apparently I dress sloppy.
funny that apparently the self appointed uniform committee doesnt think it sloppy for the girls shirts to be untucked, but darn those boots. those darn boots that keep the girls legs warm becaues well skirts are darn cold in december.