Monday, December 21, 2009

16 signs christmas is coming

other people have been b-logging about christmas for days. I will provide you with a condensed version of my christmas cheer with 16 signs that christmas is coming. why 16? you ask. because that's how many pictures I have of christmas that doesnt ruin any christmas surprises.

1. we run around in the cold looking at lights and taking fantastic pictures incorporating ourselves into the shot. I piiiinch!!

2. when you participate in (or just cheer at) various athletic events they give your reindeer antlers! go rudolph rumble!

3. there are wreaths just asking for your picture to be taken with all over the city.

4. snowmen moon you at lighting parades

5. nick turns into a burly mountain man

6. we get up early in the morning so that little bear has time to write her letter to santa before we go to work.

7. I make a penguin cake

8. I steal music from church that is needed for flute wars. thank you camera and chruch hymnal

9. stocking extravaganza for my homeroom and advisory

10. I create assignments that require my students to bake cookies and bring them in for my enjoyment.

11. I eat, drink, and sleep with matching penguin attire thanks to my penguin fleece pants, pillow, mug and plate.

12. our Christmas tree gets turned into a homage to disney characters despite our best efforts. this is what happens when you have received at least one mickey mouse for the past 25 years and your sister at least one winnie the poor for the last 20 (and just about every other disney ornament for a period of several years

13. I make christmas baking extravaganza list. game faces and aprons on. (this is also the time of year when family and friends unfortunate enough to stumble upon my house become indentured servants)

14. the soldering iron comes out to fix broken light strands.

15. all the clothing I pack to come home is red or green. (and I have been wearing christmas socks for WEEKS)

16. I actually have time to write this blog

1 comment:

even pretty girls need to read said...

FLEECE HAT. I am loving all these pics. FLUTE WARS.