Thursday, October 22, 2009

spirit week 2009

ever so long ago we had spirit week at my school. like a good teacher with sprit I complied.

well monday I did not....but I did wear a res t-shirt

and tuesday my walk-a-thon we walked to the movie theater and saw fame.

then wednesday...TOGA day! and sadly I didnt take pics.

then thursday....grade school day. (well high school day for me...since I have nothing with me of the supercat or eagle days) i rocked the skirt, with sweatpants on since the skirt just wasnt as long as it used to be, the white polo, pigtails, kairos cross, and STA class ring.

then friday...would you still be my friend if I dressed like this. my wacky day outfit from the summer with some fabulous improvement: a horrendous tie from nick, and my half kitted hat atop my head.

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