Thursday, October 22, 2009

thank you (practice) ACT

my students are taking a practice ACT...Im supposed to be studying for a genetics test I have to take this afternoon. which means that Im bored, and will post blogs instead. blogs about all the things i havent blogged about in ever so long. bear with the entourage of entries that may follow. Im trying to get caught up.
which is apparently the theme of my day....since this is my route.

first stop delish german bakery so I can use my groupon before it expires and get my 3 FREE DANISHES (even though the lady didnt believe me it was thursday).

then off to school...for 4 hours of working/studying/staring at students who are cowering in the face of the ACT.

next stop genetics test...aced the last on in 20 min. so this should be quick.
the off to the north shore performing arts center to get tickets to DANCE SLAM 2009

and then REI for my FLEEEEEEEECE! (to be paid for my giving up my saturday morning to procter a REAL ACT

home via sam's for some much needed gas (hopefully there won't need to be an additional stop on the side of the road when i've run out of gas) and then home to do laundry. this is my drive:

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