Monday, August 2, 2010

I used to take a lot less entertainment

on my recent trip to kansas city I made certain to see one of my better halves. the only half that still calls KC home and who is always up for an adventure.

upon arriving in KC I sent a text message "in KC till next soon?"

I received a phone call back. "absolutely. what should we do?"

I yelled down the hall to my mom who has recently turned into KC tour guide extraordinaire "what should linds and I do?"

my mom rambled off a half dozen ideas none of which were good enough. since when did hanging out require some big elaborate hullabaloo? we used to be content to sit around and knit scarves while listening to music or create imaginary bands and come up with CD titles and play lists. we would stay up late talking about our lives or making up stories of what our lives might hold for us in the future. now we needed an event to provide entertainment? we have to go somewhere to hang out?

I want my sleep overs back. where we bake cookies or watch movies and just get all giggly. next time I'm home I'm planning it. a central point. get the girls together. no boys allowed. (ok maybe boys allowed for awhile...but then they must leave and go have a sleep over of their own....yes I know they'd call it something much more manly than a sleep over)

for this visit I settled for dinner. twice. and ice cream.

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