Tuesday, March 22, 2011

but we had bike class.

i don't often dream. or at least I don't often remember my dreams. (i didn't even have the promised vivid dreams when on antimalaria meds while in costa rica)

but saturday night I dreamt. Saturday night I dreamt and remembered. today I shared this dream with my students and they laughed. so now I share it with you.

Nick, claires and I are all loaded into the car going to Notre Dame. A frequent occurrence, but this time we were going to pick up a couch, from a graduating student that we didnt know. and this graduation coincided with freshman orientation weekend. We were also going to a bike class held on campus that same weekend.

we drove to campus, parked, ate in the dining hall, and were all ready to go to bike class. Nick and claires made it out. I got stuck by some guy who wouldnt let me by. when I finally got out nick and claires were no where to be found. I didnt have my phone since I had left it in the car, which apparently wasnt my car since I couldnt just go and get it.

so I walked around campus for 2 hours SEARCHING for them and realizing that I also forgot to print out the couch guys info, though apparently i had it stored on that phone that I couldnt get to. I finally went to the car, which had been moved, and went into panic, but finally rememberd that there were computers in la fortune for public use, and there probably was a pay phone somewhere and I did know nick's number.

so I walked back to la fortune via the dining hall and found nick and claires standing outside, acting all 'where have you been?'

my response 'walking around campus looking for YOU. you left with out me.'

nick: 'oh yeah I saw you get stuck by some guy who was being all mean to you.'

me: 'and so you left'

nick: 'yeah, we had bike class.'


if you were one who analyzed dreams perhaps you could make something of this. my take away: make sure you always know where bike class is at, because your friends will leave you when its time for bike class.

1 comment:

even pretty girls need to read said...

I mean, bike class is pretty important : )