Friday, February 20, 2009

why I dont like to do laundry

when I tell people that I haven't done laundry for 3 weeks they get a little disturbed. when I explain how I have to carry my clothes out in the cold past several building to make it to the laundry room in the other building, they seem to be a little less disgusted with me.

but today I was reminded why I really try to prolong the time between trips to the laundry room.

other people.

thank you stranger lady who took our clothing out of the dryer for us when it was done because we were literally 2 minutes late getting there.

thank you for taking our our clothes which were clearly wet, and putting your clothes into the dryer before we got there so we couldn't restart the dryer.

thank you for not only touching my clothes with your stranger hands but for dropping my clean underwear on the ground.

thank you for reminding me why nick face and I always hate each other by the time we are done with laundry because this time we were united in our hatred of you.

thank you for letting me hang up all of dripping wet clothes because you had clothes in all 5 dryers.

and thank you for forcing me do what I like even less....ironing because all of my school clothes are damp and wrinkled.

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