Thursday, March 5, 2009

my boyfriend is on google

truth be told we've all been bored and googled ourselves. There used to be a time when google-ing myself actually brought up hits about me...and not my counterparts with the same fabulous name. granted these hits weren't anything exciting...mostly MCSA regatta results, I've not done anything all that exciting in my life

now when I google myself the firsts are well boring, but then I soon learned that apparently there are two of me who are both in NYC, one in Iowa (apparently I missed my calling), then there is the girl whose e-mails I would get while at Mizzou (bane of my existance), and eventually buried on page 4 a hit that is actually me. A link to S'Alex's photo gallery and my images of dibenzo pentecene.

but now when you google nick. well not when you google him persay but when you know to google "nvc reviews" hit number one is where he puts his hours of video gaming to use. and you can read all about his opinions, as well as the opinions of clares on books, (I apparently have no valuable opinons...physics textbooks anyone?) and learn the innerworkings of their brains.

1 comment:

even pretty girls need to read said...

ams - you have PLENTY of legit opinions. how many times have you helped me to get somewhere without freaking out with your opinions and knowledge about the transit system? what about cooking?? kitchen gadgets?? COOKIES.