Wednesday, March 11, 2009

sometimes the truth hurts, sometimes the baby cat causes hurt

where lies and corruption exists in the world someone has to step up and tell the truth. Lately one individual has spoken out against society's beliefs. she has spoken out about what she believes to be an unjust and undeserved critique of her feline friend. well sometimes society knows best.

when the world tells you that your kitten is a ferocious bitey cat, and no one says that she is a snuggle cat perhaps it is time to listen.

would you wake to a snuggly cat staring at you, and tasting you to see if she would like a bite. I think not.

would a snuggle cat sit in a high chair and projectile vomit at you repeatedly, I think not.

would a snuggle cat nip at your toes just because you haven't offered her your fingers to bite off, I think not.

would a snuggle cat inflict wounds like the one pictured below. I think not.

sometimes we have to stand up for what we believe in, but sometimes what we believe in is wrong.


Thanksfortellingmewhatthismeans said...

Heck yes!

Next time we should break out the "GOD WILLS IT!"

even pretty girls need to read said...

Ams - the only reason she goes for your toes is because they stick out of the blankets. she thinks it is game time!