Saturday, March 21, 2009

sophomore formal recap

finished my second required chaperoning event tonight by chaperoning the sophomore class formal. here are the highlights:
  1. thinking we caught some kid doing bad things in the bathroom...send the security after them....turns out the kid is smelly and his girl friend had his deodorant in her bag and he was just embarrassed.
  2. beaking up hard core full on make out session happening right beside a group of 3 teachers. of course another boy had to point it out to us before we stopped it because we were too into dancing to "shout"
  3. the group of 20 or so abandoned boys who were all sitting together after their dates had ditched them to dance with their friends. the best part, even during slow songs there were still about 5 of them sitting alone. if you're not going to dance with your date dont make him come
  4. witnessing a massive fight between a girl and her date because he refused to dance with her during a slow song
  5. being a "bouncer" attempting to keep jumping high school boys who were taller than me from jumping into the speakers and causing them to fall over
  6. planing TEACHER PROM. because really we chaperon dances because we wish we still had them. and teacher prom would be so much more fun.

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