Monday, June 22, 2009

beer, trail mix, and misdimeaners

aka camping weekend recap

friday: drove through a monsoon

arrived at camp and first got yelled at for not parking at the right spot, this should have been a sign, but alas we progressed. and arrived at our campsite.

and drove away from our campsite in search of a new one. set up camp in the rain, tried for two hours to try and start a fire with the damp wood we paid $20 for three bundles. decided it was beer and trail mix for dinner

the problem, apparently drinking was not allowed in the campground areas. across the street at the picnic area, no problem, in the camping area where we were safely tucked away no go.

and so us, who never do anything wrong, got busted. split a $75 fine for our conservation offense, but were allowed to keep our unopened bottles for being so cooperative.

saturday: food, games, food, games, food, games, lamenting about our conservation offense, and threatening to call the conservation officers all on the peeps we saw doing actual harmful things..abandoning campsites with fires still burning, cutting down trees, smoking out the bugs.

sunday: breakfast, games, packing, lunch, sitting around till we were hungry enough for culvers!

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