Monday, June 29, 2009

summer life plan retake

so day three of summer life plan evaluation: a little more successful that previous attempts.

morning: bike ride successful...except for the gigantic mud puddle I rode through, getting mud all over my white shirt. 9 mile ride with a stop by the local target to get a bottle to take my smooth to the beach in.

the off to the beach, where I enjoyed sun, sand, my book, and finally worked up the courage to go for a swim in the 63 degree water.

and on my way out of the beach I learned that the beach is only open for swimming at 10:30, and that I was more then welcome to partake in appropriate non-swimming activities as early as to rethink the plan

home for the afternoon, mailed off a GIANT box, managed to do an hours worth of work, and then was distracted by life. though I did manage to make a delicious dinner of poulet saute au herb, cous cous, and oven roasted corn.

tomorrow, life plan may need to be inverted since I have stuff I HAVE to get done before 9 am wed morning...

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