Tuesday, June 17, 2008

easily molded

they say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery or something like that. I apparently wish to flatter anyone who I spend a prolonged amount of time with. My roommate has recently been pointing out to me the random things that I have started to incorporate into my daily life and has questioned their origins. this has made me start to think and I've come to the realization that I adopt sayings, mannerisms, behaviors, and sometimes even accents from those that I spend time with. I used to work at a girl scout camp and we had a saying, "take only pictures, leave only footprints" well my friends I have taken much more than pictures from those that I have spent time with. below you can find a collection of other things i've gathered this summer and a small tribute to those who's individuality I have borrowed and molded into my own ...
  • "whatevs" - a common phrase in my vocabulary, borrowed over the past year from my boyfriend I believe, one that drives my roommate crazy
  • blogging - thanks to the boyfriend's sister for providing me with this past time to well pass time this summer
  • "for reals" - again stolen from the boy, and annoying to the roommate
  • watching bad TV (or not so bad TV depending on who you ask) - my roommate and I waste MANY hours watching things like so you think you can dance
  • "the libs" - a short lived phrase picked up from the chicago kids, currently purged from my vocab, probably due to return in early August.
  • g-mail chat - used now more in my life than aim or ichat. never used before my most recent chicago trip
  • "mad skillz" - a frequently typed phrase...attributed to many e-mails and g-mail chat conversations, adopted again from the boy

1 comment:

even pretty girls need to read said...

Amster - I love that I influenced you to start blogging, it really does take up time. But whatevs, can't wait to hit the libs with you - for reals!