Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Mrs. Brita

I tried to fight it for years...though I have secretly enjoyed the crisp fresh taste that is brita water. I first got hooked in high school where lindsey's brita pitcher and lack of caffeine drinking broke me of that habit.

through college I mooched off my roommate's and their brita, enjoying every last drop of freshly filtered water chilled to perfection.

my little sis finally convinced my mom to invest at home and I enjoyed drinking water like I never had before.

grad school brought the filter on the tap. similar yet different, though not necessarily better or worse....sink filter water lacks the coolness from the fridge, but comes in mass quantity rather than just pitchered-size.

then in Chicago...claires hooked me up. I secretly thought of the days that I would get to drink from the brita as I convinced her that brita was soo much better then always buying bottled water way back in may.

then claires moved. and we dealt with white floaties in our water for a month in a half. till walgreens had them on sale. save $7 AND have floaty-free water. done and done.

1 comment:

even pretty girls need to read said...

Ams! I'm so glad you came over to the Brita side!! What a deal! Kind of like the $5 off coup I have for Pet-Co only WAY better!

Welcome to Britaland.

