Sunday, May 31, 2009

hair today, gone tomorrow (or well technically just later today)

some of us do spring cleaning of our homes, getting rid of clutter and giving everything a good once over.

others of us do spring cleaning of our heads. getting rid of hair and giving it all a good once over with the clippers.

ready to begin

halfway there

naked head!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

10 days in photos

the past 10 days have been in a word busy. and here lies the irony of me and my blog life. when I have time to blog, there is nothing to blog about, when there are things to blog about, I have no time.

over the past 10 days I have had several post ideas, but I dont remember them all, so I have turned to the old camera. and 10 days in pictures is more more bearable than 10 days in words.

Thursday: gave little bear a bath

Friday: traveled to KC where nick got eaten by a giant monkey

Saturday: emily enjoyed a cole slaw and bbq sauce sandwich on family bbq night

Sunday: Made some Instant Easter

Sunday Part 2: took nick to his first celebration at the station, had a partial mini STA reunion

monday: made trivia pursuit: conceptual physics edition

Tuesday: Piccolo found her new favorite spot EVER

Wednesday: Burt MILLIONS of DVDs for my students' end of the year presents

Thursday: unpacked THOUSANDS of dollars work of new lab equipment

Friday: went and saw UP a fabulous new movie

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

but I thought my masters was in education...

today is graduation. not my graduation, but graduation at my school. I opted out of actually attending my gradschool gradation since I was working at the time and didnt want to make the 500 mile trek so I had to rely on the ability of our senior class moderators to accurately order my hood. turns out bad plan.

our president was explaining the history and tradition of wearhing hoods and what the colors represent during graduation assembly and she mentions light blue for education, gold for science and then I look down. Navy blue. NAVY BLUE wft??? what does that even represent. philosophy apparently as google has described it to me.

interesting. I thought I studied education the past 15 months. apparently it was philosophy. my mistake.

so next year I start all over. try 2. masters of EDUCATION from Mizzou.

(but really can i actually just go back to my chemistry at ND, the school and the degree that I am actually most proud of??? I think I should be able to mix and match all my educational elements into a custom designed hood. or at least they should incorporate all schools always. undergrad pride perhaps???)

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

senior shenangins

last night was the senior lock in at schoolio. this meant 80 seniors, hanging out at school, with 4 adults volunteering to stay with them all night.

and lots of poor planing.

by 3 am the teacher in charge was M.I.A. apparently asleep for the past hour. so my colleague and I who were still being responsible chaperons decided to make a plan so we could each get some sleep. she'd sleep from 3-4:30 I'd sleep from 4:30 till 6.

5:00 came along and she never came out of the lounge...I figured she, being the only one of the four of us who had to teach all day the next day needed the most sleep. so I let her sleep the last hour.

meanwhile I hung with the seniors for hours. my duties during this time, reminding them of common sense items.

"no you may not play hide and seek in the kitchen, they cook in the pots and pans you want to hid in"


"no you may not hang fake mustaches from new paintings of your classmates they tape will RUIN THEM"


here is my head aim ball here

this weekend: two days, two attacks on my head

attack one: softball game, softball comes out of nowhere lands inches from my feet with a large loud thud

attack two: bike ride past golf course, golf ball comes out of no where lands a foot from the front tire bounces up towards my face

Saturday, May 16, 2009

sherpa meat log

let it be known that I had this blog title first before this girl and there are witnesses.

we went to sam's club this morning. the deals at sams club come with a cost.

cost 1: when buying meat, you must be willing to deal with meat logs and cutting, separating, and freezing meat logs. especially when you live by yourself. not all of us are good at dealing with meat logs

cost 2: the ability to assume the role of a Sherpa when you do not have a car. be prepared to provide your own bags, and be loaded down for your trek on the el. be grateful when you have brothers who take the heaviest things and offer to bring them on their bike

cost 3: the culmination of both costs 1 and 2. being called Sherpa meat log for YEARS to come. and perhaps being taunted with phrases like "what about the meat log times???"

prom night! welcome back to high school

this week is officially senior week. not cool senior week like at ND where we got to do cool stuff like play in blow up castles on south quad or get stadium tours, or escape to cedar point while tornados hit campus but senior week where I spend my free time catering to my 23 fabulous seniors some of whom I will miss dearly. here is the week run down.

thursday: senior awards night, got home from school at 8:30 pm.

Friday: went to prom took some fabulous pics, including one with momma claires who stayed up waiting for us to get home, ate some delicious ice cream at the sunday bar. got to wear a pretty dress

Saturday: softball championship. 13 innings no runs finally the other team won at the bottom of the 13th with a homerun over the fence. almost got hit in the head with a fly ball..teach me to delete text messages while "watching" as softball game.

sunday: make pretty books for senior science kids

monday: baccalaureate mass, followed by senior lock in aka staying up all night with my seniors

tuesday: recovering from monday's lack of sleep

wednesday: graduation and farewell to my favorites

Thursday, May 14, 2009

the world smiles upon you? it pukes upon me.

yes I know life is pretty good compared to what is should be. i am alive, have a home, car, job, family, all my limbs, my health (most of the time...unless you count the massive headaches, sore neck, upset stomach, hot flashes (yes I know im not old enough for real hot flashes), ear aches that plague me every sunday night when the stress of the upcoming weeks gets to me) etc. but disregard MASSIVE tragedy, and compare to the life that 90% of the population deals with and yes the world pukes upon me.

lets take today for example. wake up. TIRED. drag myself out of bed, attempt to leave. finally make it out the door 10 min late. half way down the stairs. and back up I go. need dinner since I dont get to go home till 9 tonight. head down again. forgot phone. back up stairs.

have to wait for both trains AND the el on my way. get to school to be greated by sub coordinator. you have to sum during 5th. great 5th. my only plan for the day. fabulous.

not so bad you say. just wait. it will turn worse. like maybe I'll forget my wallet on a day when I have to run errands but not realize it till I've had to spend 10 min finidng a parkign spot and a half hour shopping, followed my 10 min standing in line.

or maybe I'll put hundreds of dollars into fixing my car just to have something else break the next day.

or maybe I'll make sure that I have everything I need to do a lab, and find out that the batteries were dead when they were put away last year.

or maybe I'll hang all my beautiful mobiles from the ceeling just to have to take them down and get ceeling dust in my eyes at the same time

or maybe the number of days since I've done anythign from fun will continue to grow (currently its at about 24)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

hufflepuffs and where's my power?

in class today my seniors come in to take their exam. Well the 12 of them that were big enough failures to not get out of taking their final. All the students came in and sat in the last 2 rows of the classroom. I said ok guys spread out, you can even use the lab tables in the back of the room. and no one moved. I said it again, and the response. "but these are our assigned seats. humm interesting how no one in the front had to take the exam." I said "humm interesting yes...perhaps life lessons to employ when picking your seats in your 500 person lecture hall next fall" then went back to taking attendance etc. looked up again. no one had moved.

and then I had to pull out the big guns. "move NOW before I move you" the response "why"

and then the really big guns. "BECAUSE I SAID SO NOW MOVE"

hufflepuffs and finally a few move.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

nerd alert

as a teacher I like to pilfer off others, so I was borrowing from my colleague's old former exam. and saw this cartoon.

my little sister always tells me "just because you are home earthquake season doesnt have to start" it made me giggle and so I share

Saturday, May 9, 2009

36 hours of my life I'll never get back

science fair done for the year. and hopefully for many years to come. 36 hours after we left school joe, aka jags, dropped me back off in my driveway. these pictures just sum up the weekendkelly and I being rediculous

and poor joe, exhausted after having to put up with us for so long.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

the day frugality almost got the best of me

for the past few days now, when the fridge door has been opened a strange fowl smell has escaped.

this morning when I went to make pulled pork sandwiches and took the pot roast out of the fridge that same odor came along with and the meat looked a little green. but we decided to give it a go anyway. we'd just be sure to cook it thoroughly.

as the meat sat in the pan the smell got worse. so i called my mom to ask for advice.

me: "mom is it ok to eat a pork roast that has been in the fridge for about a week and a half?"

mom: "probably not it's probably past its date and not worth the chance of getting sick even for $10"

me: "well it does say sell by April 26th, and it smells really bad"

mom: "yeah, dont eat that"

Saturday, May 2, 2009

my forgetfulness cost me snack size honey chipotle chicken crispers in fines

way back in the middle of January my school had a "snow" day and I didnt have any of my text books to work over a now 5 day weekend. so we went to the library and checked out my textbook.

and then I forgot about it.

$4 in fines later (aka 16 days late) I found the book and looked on line and was appalled by how much i owed in fines,(my library back home...5 cents per day to a maximum of $1 AND they let me request books for FREE but that's a whole different library blog rant), so i renewed the book since I was too lazy to take it back at that moment.

renewed the book again a month later because I had forgotten about it AGAIN.

found the book 2 days ago. $3 more in fines. took it back this time since it wouldnt renew again.

then went to chili's for honey chipotle chicken crispers to make me feel better about my $7 fine. (and because we have no food again)

my book fines cost me as much as my dinner

(well as much as my dinner would have if nick hadnt made me get the larger size so we could eat my leftovers)