others of us do spring cleaning of our heads. getting rid of hair and giving it all a good once over with the clippers.
ready to begin
halfway there
naked head!
today is graduation. not my graduation, but graduation at my school. I opted out of actually attending my gradschool gradation since I was working at the time and didnt want to make the 500 mile trek so I had to rely on the ability of our senior class moderators to accurately order my hood. turns out bad plan.
our president was explaining the history and tradition of wearhing hoods and what the colors represent during graduation assembly and she mentions light blue for education, gold for science and then I look down. Navy blue. NAVY BLUE wft??? what does that even represent. philosophy apparently as google has described it to me.
interesting. I thought I studied education the past 15 months. apparently it was philosophy. my mistake.
so next year I start all over. try 2. masters of EDUCATION from Mizzou.
(but really can i actually just go back to my chemistry at ND, the school and the degree that I am actually most proud of??? I think I should be able to mix and match all my educational elements into a custom designed hood. or at least they should incorporate all schools always. undergrad pride perhaps???)