Saturday, May 2, 2009

my forgetfulness cost me snack size honey chipotle chicken crispers in fines

way back in the middle of January my school had a "snow" day and I didnt have any of my text books to work over a now 5 day weekend. so we went to the library and checked out my textbook.

and then I forgot about it.

$4 in fines later (aka 16 days late) I found the book and looked on line and was appalled by how much i owed in fines,(my library back home...5 cents per day to a maximum of $1 AND they let me request books for FREE but that's a whole different library blog rant), so i renewed the book since I was too lazy to take it back at that moment.

renewed the book again a month later because I had forgotten about it AGAIN.

found the book 2 days ago. $3 more in fines. took it back this time since it wouldnt renew again.

then went to chili's for honey chipotle chicken crispers to make me feel better about my $7 fine. (and because we have no food again)

my book fines cost me as much as my dinner

(well as much as my dinner would have if nick hadnt made me get the larger size so we could eat my leftovers)

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