Tuesday, May 19, 2009

senior shenangins

last night was the senior lock in at schoolio. this meant 80 seniors, hanging out at school, with 4 adults volunteering to stay with them all night.

and lots of poor planing.

by 3 am the teacher in charge was M.I.A. apparently asleep for the past hour. so my colleague and I who were still being responsible chaperons decided to make a plan so we could each get some sleep. she'd sleep from 3-4:30 I'd sleep from 4:30 till 6.

5:00 came along and she never came out of the lounge...I figured she, being the only one of the four of us who had to teach all day the next day needed the most sleep. so I let her sleep the last hour.

meanwhile I hung with the seniors for hours. my duties during this time, reminding them of common sense items.

"no you may not play hide and seek in the kitchen, they cook in the pots and pans you want to hid in"


"no you may not hang fake mustaches from new paintings of your classmates they tape will RUIN THEM"


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