Saturday, January 10, 2009

chicago snow adventure take 1

I've been scoffing at the severe lack of snow. and then it came. and now it scoffs at me

6:30 am I venture out for the first time. dig off the first 6 inches that had fallen successfully maneuver out of my spot because well the snow plows hadnt been through yet to build the barricade.

drive to school...knowing the instant I cross city limits based on their snow plowing efficiency.

and more snow falls. another 3 inches in the 5 hours I was at school...snow scraping take 2.

drive home, again knowing as I drive through various cities. (future post will critique...must make sure i've got the right cities in the right order first)

then try to park my car.

I had to get out and shovel snow with my foot just to park.

but at least I'm not this guy.

and a pretty picture to leave you with

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