my weekends normally consist of a bunch of laying on the couch, playing rock band, pretending to lesson plan, napping, watching movies, cleaning, sunday morning grocery shopping, actually lesson planning (about 8 pm sunday), and more napping. this weekend however there was none of that, except for the real lesson planning which started about 9 pm sunday night.
Why you ask, well my parents were (well technically still are) in town, and I'm really not good at not attempting to show people a good time when they visit my fair city.
friday night nick and I caught a purple line express and met up with my 'rents at their hotel with a little effort, they had told us to go up to their room, we went, knocked on the door, no answer. found out they were in the lobby tried to get there, but got lost in the mess of elevators that is the palmer house, eventually went up to go down and found them. drinks were bought by one of my dad's mooched off individuals, a fabulous german dinner---weiner schnitzel and spatzel---was finally eaten around 8 at Bergoffs, and nick and i got back to evanston at 11. just in time for a couple of hours of sleep before day 2.
saturday morning I woke, and headed downtown to meet my mom. I found her standing in line for cheap tickets to see a show and after promising that I wasnt going to take any of the 40 available tickets finally managed to squeeze in out of the cold. we hit up some state street shopping, scored some deals, then headed for our matinee performance of Jersey Boys, a fabulous musical about the four seasons.
if you like good quaity oldies you'll love this show. how i wish they still wrote music like that. we had front row seats which sounds wonderful...except that the stage was 2 feet in front of us and raised 4 feet off the ground, so while we were sitting you couldnt see anything that happened less then a couple of feet off the ground or at the back of the stage. fortuantly, most of the action happed up front so we could see the sweat glistening on the actors' forheads.
after the show we met up with my dad, tried to mooch some more drinks, then headed to evanston for dinner. needless to say my dad is not one for cold weather so this was an adventure since it was about 4 degrees outside, and we had to do a little walking from the el stop to my place, and from the parking garage to the restaurant. and it took a little while to warm up once we got inside.
sunday I didnt make it down town till 11 since I needed at least some lazy of a weekend. my mom and I headed to michigan ave and water tower place for this days adventures. we of course went to a borders and both bought big books early on in the journey thanks to some unfortuante planing. but I did score more deals ($80 pants for $10) at the limited thanks to our luck of hitting the "one day only half our our sale prices sale" one day only that had been extended for several days I believe since my cashier asked my mom's cashier "are we still doing 50% off?" and the other cashier replying "yep it's all in the computer" I then followed up wih a trip to dunkin mom's favorite and they dont have them in KC. yummy apple fritter to end the day.
I headed home tonight with windburned cheeks around 6 so I could get a little work done and hopefully log a decent amount of sleep...before the adventures with the 'rents part 4 begins tomorrow.
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