Tuesday, January 20, 2009

it feels like sunday

often these entries are random highlights of small little funny moments or things...I thought I'd try to start including some entries that actually tell what is going on in my life for those folks who aren't here to experience it all for themselves.

it feels like a sunday here after a 5 day weekend...friday we woke to temps around -18 with wind chills nearing -30. I believe it maxxed out that day at -1. (it hasnt been this cold in chicago since the early 90s) and they decided to call school despite the fact that it had been just as cold the day before, then the typical weekend, MLK day monday and inauguration day today (our school decided to give the girls the day off, but to give them assignments for each class relating to obama's speech....he is from chicago afterall)

we had no snow to go along with the cold temps, just the remains of the foot left from the previous weekend. but that was ok. nick and I went outside that sunday afternoon (the 11th) to dig my car out. it took us 45 min, and the loan of a nice stranger's shovel but we eventually got it out. pre-shovel I was standing bent over, legs apart digging in the snow like a dog does in the yard. I wish I had had my camera but I couldnt leave nick out side digging out my car while I went on a camera retrieving mission. I went a bought a shovel the next time I was out like my dad had suggested months ago, and it hasn't really snowed since.

I had had big hopes to be productive this weekend, but the first thing I thought when my phone rang telling me I didnt have school was that my textbooks for my classes were sitting on my desk. locked away under both key and alarm. we did go to the library saturday afternoon and get a different edition of my book so i could work, but the motivation had just been lost entirely. so I'm in the same condition I've been in all year....frantically looking for ideas the night before, and sometimes deciding what I am going to do that day on my drive into school.

but we did take a lot of cute piccolo pics...here is another for your enjoyment. I like to call this, "why I dont iron" and will use it as an excuse for when my clothes are wrinkled, but my cat is smooth in the future.

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