Friday, January 30, 2009

I was pretending i was abraham lincoln

its funny what randomly pops into your brain. like tonight. when I remembered this little tale.

first let me set the stage: winter 2002, our power is flickering in and out thanks to good old kc ice storms, the family is all sitting around the family room in the dark, and I'm attempting to melt white chocolate over a candle flame so I can finish my bribery gift for my french teacher, and my dad begins:

"this is like when I was little and I used to do my homework on the back of a shovel with a piece of charcoal by candle light."


"yeah after dark, since we didnt have electricity, we had to use candles."

"you were born in 1948, you lived in st louis, there always was electricity"

"oh yeah I was pretending I was abraham lincoln"

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